
Monday, November 14, 2011

Baby E Update

Over the weekend, Matt and I wrapped up all of our pre-baby shopping, went on a date to Eischen's and then did the final clean up/setup of Cam's room...and now that we're all cleaned up, I'll give you the tour :)

First off, Abbey wanted to help set up the crib...

Super special thanks to my friend Kelsey for fashioning a "q" and an "x" since Hobby Lobby conveniently didn't make them...

We have curtains! And bedding! This is the worst picture of the bunch - sorry!

And her closet...I literally had to take all of her 3-12 month clothes out and store them elsewhere...girl's got a bunch of clothes...

The wall graphic that I've had since like a year before Cam even had a name...

So...besides that, I'm feeling pretty good about Cam's arrival. The car seat is in the car, the last of the baby gear has been ordered, and the hospital bags are packed...

Just 2 weeks and 5 days to go!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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