
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Remember when...

Remember when I used to blog about things that were NOT baby related?

Yeah, it has been so long, I don't remember that time either ;)

I have a couple friends that have ah-mah-zing blogs (you know who you are - but wasn't sure if you wanted me sharing you here...I'm sure I will reference you again very soon!) and they have inspired me to actually take some "me" time and start blogging again.

But to start blogging again, I have to start doing again.

And to start doing again, I have to start feeling normal again.

And me feeling normal means me making a list.

Ha.  I'm so OCD.

So, I do feel very normal again, and I'm on the downhill portion of my maternity leave (let's not talk about that), so today is my first day of really getting back in action.  So what does that mean?

(I just said "so" 3 times in 2 sentences - it should be my resolution to not say "so" so much...)


I'm going to get back to the basics of what makes me (and now our little family) happy -

1.  Be earth-friendly and organic - and filling our bods, minds and planet with only the best stuff (yes, this is very hippy dippy of me, but oh well...and I still plan on eating Double Stuf Oreos).  This  means cooking more - which I am very excited about!  It also means getting back into a fitness routine - which I am not that excited about, but I digress...

**I said I wanted to run the Memorial Marathon this year.  Not happening.  2013 will be the year of the marathon.  Or maybe the year of the half marathon

2.  Read silly chick lit and not so silly other lit (like the stuff I read "for work" - self-improvement is not the right genre, but you catch my drift) - and not reading any more pregnancy or parenting books - or Googling the various ailments I think my child may have.

**I promise I'm not that crazy and have gotten much better about NOT Googling how much my child should sleep, what her poop should look like and how to properly do "tummy time."

3.  Get organized - if you know me, you may scoff at this, but being organized makes me feel in control and I am not at the top of my game these days.  Having a baby will do that to ya'.

And lastly, and this is the most important...

4.  Get out of town - Matt and I have not been on a proper vacation since our HONEYMOON.  Our 5th anniversary is this year people.  So...I am making it a priority to go on vacation at least once a year.  And when I say vacation, I don't mean Cancun (I'm not ready for that yet), but I mean extended weekend, see the country type vacations.  And yes, I am starting to save to go to Maui to celebrate 10 wonderful years with Matt (and 5 wonderful years with Cam!) :)

Enough for now.  Look for some recipes and other fun stuff (and of course an update on Miss Cam) very soon!

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