
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Carrie Diaries...

I've been slacking on my reading a bit in the last weeks, but I most recently read The Carrie Diaries by Candace Bushnell.  Basically, we meet Carrie Bradshaw on her first day of senior year of high school (white go go boots and all).  Carrie is the last of her friends that is a virgin (gasp!), and she falls hard for the  unattainable bad boy.  Long story short, the book is OK.  It is a bit icky to read about 17 year olds either talking about sex or the lack of it, but beyond that it is a tame Bushnell novel probably aimed at a college aged reader.  And, having read the original Sex and the City book as well as watching all the shows (which the books could not be more different!), it was a change of a pace from what we are used to...BUT - it totally redeemed itself with the last line of the book.  I won't say what it is, but I will definitely read the next one.  I am so easily hooked on cheesy books!

If you want something better by Candace Bushnell, check out One Fifth Avenue or Lipstick Jungle.  One Fifth Avenue is one of my favorites - but be forewarned, there is a healthy amount of adult material in both of them.

Happy reading!

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