
Monday, January 9, 2012

25 days old...

There are a few things I want to remember as you keep getting older and older Miss Cameron. I can't believe you'll be a month old next week!

You initially hated taking baths, but I think you are finally getting used to them. I'm pretty sure you hate them because...

You hate being naked. Let's keep it this way for a looong time.

You now have real tears when you cry, which breaks my heart.

You get really excited when it is time to eat and then promptly fall asleep in just a couple minutes.

You are starting to outgrow your newborn clothes because you are so long. You definitely had a growth spurt and who knows where you get those long legs from!

You hate to take naps in your crib and love to be held. You do sleep about 6 hours at night which Mommy is very thankful for.

You have baby acne that just makes me so sad!

And I finally caught you smiling!

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