
Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful - November 25th - Blessed

So - I am about a week behind, but we have been busy!  I have been thinking about what I'm thankful for, and I can't get the idea of being blessed out of my head.  So here are some pictures of our last week or so and some other things we are truly blessed with...

Sidenote - right now, I'm cuddled on the couch with 3 puppies.  Loves it.

Our good friends Tiff and Derrick (finally) got married!! I have seriously never seen a happier bride in my life - no stress, no anxiety, just sheer joy - it was so awesome!

Matt and I got all dressed up (Matt was an usher and had on the shortest tie of all time - ha!).  

Our friends Jimmy and Jackie are getting married in June, and Jackie asked me to be a bridesmaid - I am so excited!!!

AND our friends Lance and Rachel are pregnant!!!!  I am beyond thrilled and can't wait for the Klement's to be parents!

We started getting ready for Christmas at my office (12 foot Christmas tree - nice!).   Things at ICG are crazy busy as always (not even including my maternity leave prep), so I'm glad we could take a break and put up some Christmas cheer before Thanksgiving break.

We had Thanksgiving at our house this year - and I cheated and bought dinner from Whole Foods - turkey and all.  Seriously, the best idea this pregnant girl has ever had.  We had turkey, stuffing, spinach, mashed potatoes, and mac and cheese (and my mom made her sweet potato/apple pie thingy).  All the food was fantastic, and I think I may just buy my turkey from there every year.

Oh, and the turkey had a neck.  Ick.   Matt to the rescue!!

And just a quick baby update...

Bags are packed.
Baby clothes are washed.
Room is ready.
Car seat is in.
Hair is freshly highlighted.
And I'm just sitting around being pregnant (and not in labor).  We hit 39 weeks tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I remember three years ago on this day I was in your shoes just waiting for my baby to make his arrival. Cherish the last few days you have with it just being you and Matt because it all changes so fast and be ready to fall in love all over again. Good luck with your baby girl's arrival!
