
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Baby E had a big weekend...

It started with a visit from our favorite family - the Bausterts! They had a little girl 2 months ago, so they brought us over a wonderful girly gift :)

Their two boys Luke and Cole brought us this tiger, along with burp rags (new mom moment of the day, I had to ask what they were!) and flowers for her hair!

And then "Aunt" Katie came to visit...

And brought us two CUTE dresses from Ralph Lauren...

On Saturday we worked on another big purchase decision - the chair in the nursery. Well, I was ready for a long day and a big fight. And when I say fight, I mean me pouting over the La-z-Boy that was about to be parked in my house. started with this...

So, we landed on the 2nd chair we sat in, and yes it's a La-z-Boy, but it rocks and it is Matt approved. But I'm going to get a girly ottoman to make up for it :) I didn't take a great pick, so I'll put a new one when it gets into the nursery.

Besides that, we ran lots of errands, went to a get together at a nurse's house, learned how to hem jeans, and went to see Harry Potter - pretty nice little weekend :)

Here is the latest picture of Baby E...(it got a bit smooshed in my purse - ugh). A little face and arm...

Oh, and the little peanut finally got a name! After lots (and lots and lots) of discussion, the official name is Cameron Claire Earles. We get to see her again (hopefully) this week - only 20 more weeks to go!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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